Deciding to start is the first step (and the hardest)

Great that you have decided to participate in our 5-week program to improve your health and fitness. Participating in this program will give your body and mind a boost.

You can enter your details below and easily pay your participation fee of 89 euros:

Mutuality contribution: You will receive an intervention for sports activities through your mutuality. After receipt of your payment you will receive your certificate for this

Pay by bank transfer: If you prefer to pay by bank transfer, you can do so on the account number of European Fitness Academy

Amount: 89 euro
Account number: IBAN: BE94 7350 5495 3114 and BIC: KRED BE BB
Communication: first name + surname + participating municipality
If you have not registered yet, you can subsequently submit your details via this link so that we can contact you for your first appointment

© European Fitness Academy | European Fitness Academy is een geregistreerd merk

Met steun van de Belgische Cardiologische Liga